sábado, 28 de febrero de 2009


The cast is comprised of Nicole Kidman, Daniel Craig, Sam Elliott, and Ian McShane. This is an exciting fantasy film, directed by Chris Weitz, it is set in an alternative world where people's souls manifest themselves as animals, called daimonions.

The story concerns Lyra Belacqua an orphan living in a fantastical parallel universe which is controlled by an authoritarian organization called the Magisterium. There are armored bears, with a cunning than humans are great warriors of the North, and whitches mounted to the skies in their daimonions or in a cloud of pine.

Lyra innocently follow the instructions of a golden compass which leads to the north to save her best friend, or so she thinks, because while developing the film she discover their true destiny.
I think is a fantasy story that moves you to another world, the plot is good, the soundtrack and sound effects keep you in touch with the film.
Besides the film gives you a lesson that you can obtain what you want if you are proposing and retrieve what you thought was lost and of course to learn the meaning of friendship.

Is a production of the 2001 if you have not seen it you can´t miss the change to see it but if you saw it, you could remember it in the company of your loved ones in the comfort of your home.

Thanks for reading this !!


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