jueves, 5 de marzo de 2009

CLASS: One of the Best and One of the Worst as well

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sábado, 28 de febrero de 2009

check this !! =)


The cast is comprised of Nicole Kidman, Daniel Craig, Sam Elliott, and Ian McShane. This is an exciting fantasy film, directed by Chris Weitz, it is set in an alternative world where people's souls manifest themselves as animals, called daimonions.

The story concerns Lyra Belacqua an orphan living in a fantastical parallel universe which is controlled by an authoritarian organization called the Magisterium. There are armored bears, with a cunning than humans are great warriors of the North, and whitches mounted to the skies in their daimonions or in a cloud of pine.

Lyra innocently follow the instructions of a golden compass which leads to the north to save her best friend, or so she thinks, because while developing the film she discover their true destiny.
I think is a fantasy story that moves you to another world, the plot is good, the soundtrack and sound effects keep you in touch with the film.
Besides the film gives you a lesson that you can obtain what you want if you are proposing and retrieve what you thought was lost and of course to learn the meaning of friendship.

Is a production of the 2001 if you have not seen it you can´t miss the change to see it but if you saw it, you could remember it in the company of your loved ones in the comfort of your home.

Thanks for reading this !!


lunes, 16 de febrero de 2009

sábado, 14 de febrero de 2009


Problem Description

The hotel industry has grown from year to year, hotels with tourists has increased, and environmental damage, as well.

Causes and Effects

How to traditional hotels affect the environment?

· One problem is the destruction of vegetation which in turn affects the fauna of the area. And example: Trees are being cut down each day to make room for new restaurants that have fancy airplanes where one can sit, new hotel rooms that are more comfortable than ever before, and parking lots that allow easy access to ones hotel room.
· around the world, is on exploiting natural resources for Sightseeing.
· A big problem of the hotels on the beach: all the sewage water produced by the hotels goes to the ocean.
· The hotels use lots of energy and water.
· The hotels use many toxic products.
· Gas and toxic waste.
· They produce noise pollution.
· And many more.

Possible Solutions

Actually the hotel industry and tourists themselves are growing increasingly aware of the negative impacts that tourism has on the environment.

In the past twenty years a number of hotels have started improving their environmental policy and this is likely to become more widespread in the future.

There have been considerable changes in the hotel industry in the past 10 years as the expectations in the market place have evolved. This change, driven by a compound of factors, is part of a larger shift to be more environmentally.

As a result, there are a few foundations or organizations which have a hard work and vision in developing the quality of the environment with the tourism industry.

One of them is The Green Leaf Foundation was officially founded and registered on the 17th of March 1998. This is a Thailand Association.

The visionary organizations are composed of:

1. Tourism Authority of Thailand
2. Thai Hotels Association
3. United Nations Environment Program
4. Demand Side Management Office of Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand
5. Association for the Development of Environmental Quality, and
6. Metropolitan Water works Authority.

They have organized several training seminars on environmental educational, environmental standards, and energy efficiency since 1999.

It was the first step in the development of environmental quality for the tourism industry.

The idea is to promote environmental awareness in tourism industry, highest level of resource efficiency of environmental protection will be awarded with Green Leaf Certificate ranging form 1 to 5 leaves, 5 denoting the most practiced hotel in environmental management.

Participating hotels and resorts were evaluated on initiatives and activities undertaken by individual properties in each of the following areas.

*Policy and Standards on Environmental Practice
*Waste management
*Efficient use of energy and water
*In-door Air quality
*Air pollution
*Noise Pollution
*Water Quality
*The storage and management of fuel, gas, and toxic waste
*Ecological impact
*Cooperation with Community and Local Organizations/Community relations
*Management support

The Green Leaf Foundation has confidence in the efforts of hotel owners, operators, and their business partners in working collaboratively towards the betterment in managing the environmentally quality for the prosperity and sustainability of the industry and the country.
More over it promote roles and responsibilities in co-operating with the use of environmental efficient technology to develop environment quality for tourism activities.

Green Leaf Programs

Benefits at large:

1. More efficient use of natural resources and energy.

2. Minimum use of toxic chemicals and maximum use of organic chemicals.

3. Create energy and natural resources management systems, and effectively eliminate waste.

4. Conduct business in ways that has minimal or zero impact on the environment.

5. Create more awareness of the problems related to the environment and natural resources, and promote solutions and preventive measures.

A total of 80 Thai hotels have passed the Green Leaf Certificate. In 2003
“Green Hotels Fair & Seminars”, have been attended by more than 1,000 hotels nationwide, a certification program called Green Leaf.


There is another association called

Officially registered in 1998. It purpose is to bring together hotels interested in environmental issues.

Its catalog of environmental products
· Printed Cards
· Water Savings
· Recycling
· Books
· Giveaways
· Traveler's Cards

This association put emphasize on ideas to preserve and save the environmental that guess give to the members green hotels when spend their time in those hotels.

More over:
•Environmental products and services offered
•BUYING of ecological products
•Researched environmentally-friendly energy
•Water-saving products

TOTAL 482 Member of Green Hotels Association


In conclusion this is a real problem so there are many hotels that don´t belong to those association need stricter laws and these laws need to be implemented. We know with the destruction of flora always comes the depletion of fauna, the ecology is in great danger we need to protect and save our environment in order to preserve the flora and fauna around the world. It doesn´t matter if is a person, industry, Small Business, medium company, great company all need to do something to preserve our planet in any place around the world.

For more information please see:
· http://faculty.chass.ncsu.edu/wallace/zzz2001Capps.htm

· http://www.tatnews.org/tourism_news/2073.asp

· http://www.terrachoice.ca/hotelwebsite/indexcanada.htm


· http://www.greenleafthai.org/AppProcess.html

jueves, 5 de febrero de 2009


Vocabulary List

* Sightseeing

* Sewage water

* Waste management

* Products Purchase

* Fuel

* Policy Environmental

* Standar Environmental

* Exploiting natural resorces

*Noise pollution